Debug API

The Debug API is a powerful HTTP API to make adjustments to the bridge at runtime, and is typically useful when administrating large bridges. Some functionality has moved to the Admin Room interface as sending commands over Matrix is preferred, however, many powerful commands are exposed here.

You can enable this feature in the config file:

  # ...
    enabled: true
    port: 11100

Note: The Debug API listens on by default, so be careful to lock down access to this port.

To access the API over curl:



GET /inspectUsers?regex={userRegex}

Request Parameters

  • userRegex A JS regex string which should match against MXIDs. E.g. @foobar_.*

Example Response

  "users": {
    "": [
        "channels": [
        "dead": false,
        "server": "",
        "nick": "Half-Shot"

POST /killRoom

Stop a room from being bridged. This will remove IRC ghost users from the room and disconnect Matrix users from the channel.

The Admin Room features a less powerful version of this command.

Request Body

  "room_id": "!foo:bar", // The Matrix Room ID. Required.
  "domain": "", // The IRC domain. Required.
  "channel": "#evilcave", // The IRC channel. Required.
  "leave_notice": true, // Should a notice be sent on unbridge. Default: true.
  "remove_alias": true, // Should the room alias for the room be removed. Default: true.

Response Body

The response body will contain a JSON array of stages that were successful and failed as it's possible for this command to only be partially successful.

Typical successful response:

  error: [],
  stages: ["Removed room from store", "Left notice in room", "Deleted alias for room", "Parted clients where applicable."],

Typical error response:

  error: ["Room not found"],
  stages: [],

POST /killUser

This will kill a connection to IRC for a given user on all networks they are connected to.

Request Body

  "user_id": "@foo:bar",
  "reason": "Trust nobody"

Response Body

If a disconnection was successful, the bridge will emit "null". Otherwise, it may emit an error message in plaintext.

POST /reapUsers

This will kill multiple connections for users considered "idle". This is a powerful and expensive operation and should be taken with care.

Idleness is calculated by how long it has been since a user has sent a message/joined/left a room. This is calulated by whether the appservice bot or it's users have seen the user perform any actions (i.e. left a IRC bridged room or sent a message). Due to limitations of Matrix, it is not possible to discover "lurkers".

Request Parameters

  • server is the servername you wish to disconnect users from. This is the key of your server configuration object in the config section.
  • since is the number of hours a user has been idle for to be considered idle. This must be an integer.
  • reason is the reason string to disconnect users with. E.g. "You have been idle for too long".
  • dryrun is whether to actually disconnect users, or just calculate which users should be disconnected and output it to the response.

Response Body

The bridge will "stream" logs to the client in plaintext format. Do not close the connection before the operation has finished.

GET /irc/$domain/user/$user_id

Return the state of a user's BridgedClient. Typically this is only useful for deep debugging of connection issues.

Request Parameters

  • $domain The domain of the IRC network you are requesting information on.
  • $user_id The user_id of the user you are requesting information for.

Response Body

A plaintext dump of the object via the inspect API.

POST /irc/$domain/user/$user_id

Send raw IRC command(s) as the given user.

Request Parameters

  • $domain The domain of the IRC network you are requesting information on.
  • $user_id The user_id of the user you are requesting information for.

Request Body

The body should be a newline delimited list of commands to send to IRC.

Response format

The bridge will wait 3 seconds to buffer up any responses from the IRCD and return them in a newline delimited JSON format.